Majors and Minors

Double Major

A double major refers to the declaration of two majors in CDSS. 

If you are interested in declaring a second CDSS major, you should contact a major advisor in the second program. Some limitations may apply depending on your choice of a second major. Applications to double major will be available beginning in the 2024-25 academic year and will involve a comprehensive review. Transfer students should consult with an advisor for their intended major about eligibility to add a major.

Students Admitted Fall 2023 and Prior

If you are a currently declared CDSS student and were admitted in Fall 2023 or prior, you will go through a different application process to declare a double major. You will need to fill out the Double Major Application and contact the advisor in the major that you are interested in double majoring with for more information on the application process as it varies by each major.

Dropping a Major

If you are currently pursuing a double major and need to drop one of your majors, please contact your Major Advisor from the major you need to drop.

Simultaneous Degree

A simultaneous degree refers to the declaration of two majors in different colleges at UC Berkeley. 

If you are a current CDSS major and wish to pursue a major in a different college you will work with the other college and major to be accepted into their program.  Upon approval, you will fill out the Simultaneous Degree Packet to declare the additional major and college.

If you are in a different college and are looking to complete a simultaneous degree with a CDSS major, you will need to complete the Simultaneous Degree Packet and follow the comprehensive review process. 

Simultaneous degree applications should be submitted at least two terms prior to graduation in order to meet College residence requirements. CDSS students may not declare a simultaneous degree in their final term at UC Berkeley. 

Students Admitted to UC Berkeley Prior to Fall 2023

If you are a student in another college and wish to pursue a simultaneous degree with CDSS and you were admitted in Fall 2023 or prior, you will go through a different application process to declare the simultaneous degree. Please contact the advisor in the major that you are interested in for more information on the application process as it varies by each major.

Simultaneous degree applications must be submitted at least two terms prior to graduation in order to meet College residence requirements. There may be some flexibility with this requirement for L&S students graduating in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025.  However, CDSS students may not declare a simultaneous degree in their final term at UC Berkeley.

Course Overlap Rules

CDSS allows you to overlap two upper division courses (courses numbered 100-199) between two majors. “Overlap” means that one upper division course can be used to satisfy requirements for both of your majors. 


If you are an undergraduate in another UC Berkeley college and are interested in changing into the College of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), this page will provide an overview of eligibility criteria, how to apply, and important deadlines. 

Application for Change of College into CDSS

All students who are admitted to the College of CDSS do so declared in one of our majors, Statistics, Data Science, or Computer Science.

Changes of college into CDSS will not be approved for students who have not satisfied Entry Level Writing and are not on track to complete the Reading & Composition requirement by the end of their sophomore year (fourth semester). 

You must also meet senior residence (24 units and two terms at UC Berkeley after earning 90 units) while declared as a CDSS student. You can learn about these residence requirements on our Degree Requirements page. 

If you are uncertain whether you will meet either of these requirements or wish to learn more before submitting a Change of College request, meet with a CDSS College Advisor.

Students Admitted to UC Berkeley Before Fall 2023

If you were admitted before Fall 2023, you should remain in your current college until eligible to declare. The eligibility requirements will remain the same as the requirements for the year that you were admitted. Please see a Major Advisor to confirm those requirements. 

The deadline to declare a CDSS major is as follows:

Students with a Summer 2025 Expected Graduation Date: Students must submit an application into their desired major prior to the last day of instruction in Spring 2025 and must plan to enroll in at least 6 units in Berkeley Summer Sessions in order to fulfill senior residency requirements. Students must take a total of 24 units in Spring and Summer 2025.

Students with a Fall 2025 Expected Graduation Date: Students must submit an application into their desired major by the end of Spring 2025 in order to fulfill senior residency requirements, or by the end of Summer 2025 if taking at least 6 units through Berkeley Summer Sessions. Students must take a total of 24 units in Spring and Fall 2025, or Summer and Fall 2025.

Students with a Spring 2026 Expected Graduation Date or later
Students must apply and be declared in their desired major by the last day of classes of the semester prior to their EGT semester. For example: Students with a Spring 2026 EGT should be fully declared by their major by the end of Fall 2025. Students with a Fall 2026 EGT should be fully declared by their major by the end of Spring 2026. 

Summer semesters can count towards senior residency if 6 or more units are taken. Example: Students with a Spring 2026 EGT could apply and declare in Spring 2026 if taking 6 or more units and will complete 24 units between Spring and summer. Students with a Fall 2026 EGT could apply and declare in Summer 2026 if taking 6 or more units and will complete 24 units between Summer and Fall. 

Students Admitted to UC Berkeley in Fall 2023

If you were admitted in Fall 2023 and want to declare the Statistics major, you should remain in your current college until you have completed the prerequisites and are eligible to declare. Please see a major advisor to confirm those requirements.

If you were admitted in Fall 2023 and were admitted as an Intended Computer Science or Data Science major on your admissions application, then you have a guaranteed spot in that major, subject to completing prerequisites and maintaining good academic standing. You should be prepared to declare the major by Spring 2026 in order to meet senior residency requirements in CDSS. Please see an advisor in your intended major for more information on the declaration process.

If you were admitted in Fall 2023 and did not select Computer Science or Data Science on your admissions application, you will need to apply to CDSS via the comprehensive review process to pursue these majors. Applications will be available in the Fall semester and admission to the College is not guaranteed. Consult with a major advisor about eligibility to change or add these majors. 

Students Admitted to UC Berkeley in Fall 2024 or later

If you were admitted in Fall 2024 in a non-CDSS major, you will need to apply to CDSS via the comprehensive review process to pursue these majors.

Change of College out of CDSS

If you are currently a student in the College of CDSS and you wish to change into another college, you must be accepted into that college through their admission process. Until you are accepted into another college, you must follow all CDSS policies and are encouraged to continue making progress towards your CDSS major and degree. 

Minors are concentrations of study that require fewer courses and therefore represent less depth than a full major. Not all majors have a corresponding minor, and minors exist that do not have a corresponding major. It is therefore useful to explore the Berkeley Academic Guide’s Degree Programs page thoroughly to review all options. 

All minors must be declared prior to the first day of classes in the term in which you intend to graduate. For summer graduates, minors must be declared prior to the first day of Summer Session A.

If you are a CDSS student, you will still need to finish your degree in your allowed semesters (8 for first-year students, and 5 for transfer students) even if you are adding a minor(s). You are allowed to declare as many minors as will fit into your semester limit. 

Minor Options at CDSS

Review information on the following minors within CDSS: 

Minor Options at Another College

You can declare a minor in a different college at Berkeley as long as the minor department will permit you to declare. You will not be responsible for the College requirements and general policies for the College that hosts your minor. 

For general policies around add/drop deadlines, late changes to class schedule, etc., please follow the policies and procedures of the College that hosts your major.

Meet with the Minor Advisor to understand requirements and policies for that minor. If you are a CDSS student pursuing a minor in another school or college with overlap policies that differ from CDSS, the stricter of the two minor policies applies to the minor program.

Course Overlap Rules

CDSS allows you to overlap one upper division course (courses numbered 100-199) between a major and a minor. “Overlap” means that one upper division course can be used to satisfy requirements for both your major and your minor.

If you are a CDSS student pursuing a minor in another school or college with overlap policies that differ from CDSS, the stricter of the two minor policies applies to the minor program.

Dropping a Minor

If you need to drop your minor, please contact your Minor Advisor.

Students wanting to change colleges into CDSS, have a simultaneous degree with CDSS, declare a double major within CDSS, or Change Majors within CDSS are required to go through the comprehensive review process. 

This applies to all students admitted in Fall 2024 and after, if admitted before Fall 2024 talk to your major advisor for more information on how to declare a CDSS major.


If admitted as a first-year student:

  • Must complete at least one semester with letter grades at UC Berkeley.
  • Must be in good academic standing.
  • Must be on track to finish Reading & Composition by the end of 4th semester: 
    • If first-year: First half of R&C completed by the end of the spring semester
    • If second-year: Both parts of R&C completed by the end of the spring semester
    • If third-year: Both parts of R&C completed to apply.
  • Must be able to complete the degree in 8 total semesters. No extensions will be considered. See our EGT policies here.
  • Must apply no later than the 6th semester and be on track to meet Senior Residency requirements. 
  • Must complete or be enrolled in major courses to show adequate progress to finish major by EGT. (Details determined by each major)

If admitted as a transfer student:

  • Must complete at least one semester with letter grades at UC Berkeley.
  • Must be in good academic standing.
  • Must apply during the first year (must be able to meet senior residency requirements).
  • Must complete or be enrolled in major courses to show adequate progress to finish major by EGT. (Details determined by each major)


Applications will be open on January 1st and closed on January 31st. 

  • The application will include listing grades in major requirements and answering major-specific essay questions. Resumes and letters of recommendation will not be considered and should not be submitted.
  • Students are allowed to apply to more than one major in CDSS in case they are not admitted into their first choice. 
    • Applications will be reviewed by all majors you rank. 
    • If more than one ranked major wishes to admit you, you will be admitted to the major you ranked highest. 
    • If your top choice does not admit you, but another major offers admission, you will be admitted to your next highest-ranking major. 
    • Do not rank a major you do not want to pursue.


  • Applications will be reviewed by college advisors, major advisors, and major faculty.
  • Students will be informed of decisions by May.

For additional information and the application link, please reference this document for frequently asked questions.


Unit and Semester Limits

Semester Limit for CDSS Students

  • 8 semesters for first-year students
  • 5 semesters for transfer students

This limit also applies to students pursuing a double major/simultaneous degree.

Summer terms are not counted toward your allowed semesters.

Terms taken outside of the University of California (canceled/withdrawn terms) are not counted toward your allowed semesters.

Students admitted to UC Berkeley prior to Fall 2023 may be eligible to follow the L&S unit ceiling policy.  To understand if this applies to you, contact CDSS advising.

Changes to Expected Graduation Term

If you wish to extend your Expected Graduation Term (EGT)

Students will need to petition for an additional semester. These requests are not guaranteed and are more or less likely to be approved depending on the reason for your request. Requests to extend your EGT need to be made by the final day of your current EGT.

You will need to have explored all other possible options prior to submitting a request for an additional semester, including

  • Making adjustments to your program plan to allow completion within the allowed semesters.
  • Attend UC Berkeley Summer Session. Summer terms are not counted towards your allowed semesters.
  • Attend UC Berkeley Extension (make sure that residence requirements have been met).
  • Attend another institution (make sure that residence requirements have been met).

An additional semester is only considered if you have exhausted all other options from above. If you are eligible, submit the Request to change EGT online form.

Below are some common reasons students request an additional semester:

  • You are approved for a reduced course load.
  • Extenuating circumstances have prevented you from completing your degree on time and all other options have been exhausted. (Please note that choosing to take required coursework late or prioritizing non-required coursework are not considered extenuating circumstances.)

Requests for the following reasons will not be considered:

  • The request is for more than one additional semester beyond your current EGT.
  • You are requesting to stay longer in order to improve your GPA.
  • You are requesting an additional semester in order to add or complete a minor or an additional major(s).
  • You are requesting an additional semester in order to take courses for career preparation that are not required for your academic degree (e.g., CPA exam prep).
  • You wish to take courses that are readily available elsewhere.
  • Your request is solely based on non-academic considerations (e.g., maintaining eligibility for health insurance, financial aid, campus housing, athlete eligibility).

If you wish to change your EGT to an earlier term:

  • Requests to change an EGT to an earlier term will only be considered for students one semester in advance of the semester they intend to graduate in.
  • If you have satisfied the above requirements, submit the Request to Change EGT online form. The deadline to request your EGT to be moved to an earlier term is the 10th week of instruction for the term you are intending to graduate.

Minimum Units

To make timely progress toward graduation, all CDSS students must take a minimum of 12 units per semester. Students wishing to take less than 12 units for one or more semesters must be approved for a Reduced Course Load. Even if approved for a reduced course load, students are expected to graduate within the CDSS semester limit (8 semesters for students admitted as first-years, and 5 semesters for transfer students) and are not guaranteed approval to extend their graduation date.

Students planning to request a Reduced Course Load must plan with sufficient time and have approval from the appropriate offices to avoid any implications to your financial aid, visa status, or registration. Students meeting any of the following criteria may be eligible for a reduced course load:

  • Paid employment (15 hours or more per week): minimum of 6 units per semester
  • Eligible through Disabled Students Program (DSP): Unit minimum determined by DSP*
  • Parenthood/caregiver: minimum of 2 courses totalling 6 units per semester
  • Graduating Senior (in EGT semester only): Minimum of one course, or number of units needed to graduate**
  • Major Honors Program: Minimum of two courses totalling six units.
  • Approved late drop that puts a student below 12 units**

If you do not meet one of the above criteria, but feel that you have a medical, personal, or family circumstances that warrant consideration of an approved RCL, you may meet with a CDSS College Advisor to discuss your options and the best course of action. 

To request a reduced course load, please complete the CDSS Reduced Course Load Request form by the 3rd Friday of the current semester to make sure your request can be processed by the add/drop deadline.

*Note: Students requesting a RCL through DSP should not fill out the CDSS Reduced Course Load Request form. Instead, all requests should be sent directly to the college from your DSP specialist.

**Note: Graduating seniors in their final term and approved late drops that put a student below 12 units will be automatically approved for a reduced course load and do not need to submit the CDSS Reduced Course Load Request form.


Maximum Units

Students may enroll in up to 20.5 units in a Fall or Spring semester. Students may request permission to enroll in more than 20.5 units (the unit maximum) during the second week of instruction. If approved, students still must add the course themselves before the add/drop deadline. 

Understand that approval is not guaranteed. Your overall academic record will be reviewed, including your GPA, your history of passing courses you have enrolled in, your request compared to previous unit loads you have taken, and the course makeup of your proposed schedule compared to previous terms.

To request an increase in units in a given term, please complete the CDSS Maximum Unit Increase Request form. Note that this form will be opened after the start of the semester.   

Registration and Enrollment


College of Computing, Data Science, and Society students will be allowed a total of two late changes to their schedule.*

Late changes include:

  • Late drop of Early Drop Deadline (EDD) courses after the 2nd week deadline;
  • Late add or drop of courses after the 4th week deadline; and
  • Late change of grading option after the 10th week deadline.

Students may use both late changes in one semester or use one late change in two different semesters. This policy applies to Fall and Spring semesters only and does not include Summer late changes.

Please consider your request carefully and meet with a CDSS College Advisor if you have any questions. It will be important to consider the impact of late action on your financial aid, progress toward degree, or academic standing, as these things are not checked during petition processing. You are still expected to graduate within the allotted time frame (8 semesters for first-year admits and 5 semesters for transfer admits). If you have any questions about this process or the impact that a drop or  grading option change will have on your academic progress, please contact a CDSS College Advisor.

*Note: As of Fall 2024, continuing students’ number of late changes will not reset. This means that any late changes approved by your previous college will apply toward the two-late change limit in CDSS. 

Conduct Violations

Students with a conduct violation related to a course may have limits on schedule changes. Please discuss this with the Center for Student Conduct.

Deadline for Submission

Fall/Spring semesters:
Last day of instruction (Friday before RRR week) at 11:59pm PT

You can submit a Late Change of Schedule by going to your CalCentral "My Dashboard" tab and selecting "Late Schedule Change Petition" in the Student Resources section. 

The CalCentral Late Schedule Change “eForm” will be automatically routed to the appropriate offices (Athletics, Berkeley International Office, instructors, etc.) for required signatures.

Submit the eForm through CalCentral to drop courses, add courses, change a grading option, or change variable units.

  • Use the Drop action to drop a course.
  • Use the Add action to add a course.
  • Use the Grading Option action to change a grading option (available only when the CalCentral enrollment system does not offer grading option changes).
  • Use the Variable Unit action to change variable units – this will not count towards the two late-change limit.

If you have any questions about this process, or the impact a drop, add, grading option change, or variable unit change will have on your academic progress, please feel free to contact CDSS College Advising

  • Students who wish to withdraw from all of their courses should not use this petition. Instead, they should follow the directions on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
  • Please note that students receiving financial aid, international students requesting to drop below 12 units, and NCAA student athletes should consult those offices before submitting an eForm.

Student Considerations

Financial Aid Eligibility

Please note that financial aid coverage can be jeopardized if a student plans to drop below the 12 units. Students should contact Cal Student Central for information about specific cases.

DSP Students

If a student is registered with the Disabled Students' Program (DSP) and they are requesting a late change related to the impact of their disability outside of the traditional add/drop deadline, students can request a DSP-related late change of class schedule. Students should contact their DSP specialist to request a letter of verification that will be submitted with the late schedule change eform via Cal Central. 

International Students

International students requesting to drop below 12 units of in-person classes need to consult with the Berkeley International Office for visa eligibility information. More information can be found here. 

UCEAP Reciprocity students will not be able to access the Late Schedule Change petition “eForm” in CalCentral. Please email us for additional support. 

Simultaneous Degree Students

Students completing a simultaneous degree with CDSS and another college will need to consult with both colleges for the request to be considered. 

Concurrent Enrollment is when a student plans to enroll in a course(s) at another institution while they are also enrolled in a Fall or Spring semester at UC Berkeley. 

CDSS undergraduate students can pursue Concurrent Enrollment without requesting prior approval from CDSS College Advising, and no petition is required. Official transcripts will need to be submitted to UC Berkeley upon completion of the coursework. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with a CDSS College Advisor and/or Major Advisor to discuss whether pursuing concurrent enrollment is a good option. 

Degree and Enrollment Requirements

Concurrent enrollment units do not count towards the minimum enrollment per semester at UC Berkeley. In other words, you still need to enroll in a minimum of 12 units at Berkeley unless you are otherwise approved for a reduced course load.

It is the student's responsibility to confirm that the coursework they are taking is transferable and applies to a particular degree requirement. See Transfer Credit section on this page for more information about transferable coursework.

Students are encouraged to speak with a CDSS College Advisor if they have questions about satisfying college requirements.

Students are encouraged to speak to their Major Advisor if they have questions about satisfying major requirements.

Special Permissions/Applications

Permission or application approval might be required in particular circumstances:

Holds are placed on students’ registrations by a variety of offices with a range of impacts. Typically, students are most impacted by holds by not being able to enroll in courses until the hold is lifted. 

You can view holds when logged into CalCentral. Click on the registration hold alert for information about why it is there, who placed it, and how to clear it.

Registration holds placed by CDSS College Advising 

Reading and Composition

To be eligible to have your R&C registration hold removed, you will need to meet with a CDSS College Advisor to discuss your plan for completing the requirement.

Due to limited seat capacity in R&C courses on campus, students in their 5th semester or later may experience difficulty in accessing enrollment in R&C courses. You may need to explore alternate options to complete this requirement, for example, through a UCB Summer Sessions course or through an approved course at a California Community College

Unapproved Reduced Course Load

This hold may be placed when you are currently enrolled in an unapproved reduced course load (meaning you are enrolled in fewer than 12 units without College permission). These holds will be placed each semester after the add deadline.

A habit of taking unapproved reduced course loads can be an indicator that there are unaddressed extenuating factors that are impacting your ability to take a course load of 12 units each semester. There are many cases in which a student may be eligible to take an approved reduced course load each semester. To remove this hold, email the CDSS office for further instructions.

With mutual agreement between an instructor and student, it may be appropriate for a professor to assign a grade of Incomplete if a student finds themselves in circumstances – beyond their control – unable to finish their work in a course by the end of the term. A grade of Incomplete should only be issued when the student’s work in the course has been of passing quality to date. If a grade of Incomplete is assigned, the student is required to finish any remaining assignments prior to the deadlines set forth below. Failure to complete the work within the deadline will result in the Incomplete lapsing to a failing grade. 

Deadlines for Resolving Incomplete Grades (Lapse Date)

At the instructor’s discretion, an earlier deadline for completion of undergraduate student work can be imposed. If no such deadline is set by the instructor, the lapse date will be as follows:

For Incomplete grades given in a Fall semester: First day of instruction of the following fall semester by 11:59:00 p.m. PT.

For Incomplete grades given in a Spring semester or Summer term: First day of instruction of the following spring semester by 11:59:00 p.m. PT.

Replace an Incomplete Grade

Student Deadline: Student to submit work to instructor to resolve an incomplete - due 30 days in advance of the lapse date or the instructor-provided deadline, whichever is earlier.

Instructor Deadline: Instructor to enter corrected grade - due by the lapse date.

Extending an Incomplete


Student Deadline: Student to submit petition to extend to instructor - due 30 days in advance of the lapse date or the instructor-provided deadline, whichever is earlier.

Instructor Deadline: Instructor to email signed petition to extend to CDSS college advising - due by the lapse date.

Petitions for an extension of an Incomplete may be considered under circumstances where an Instructor failed to issue a grade within the completion deadline. The Petition to Extend an Incomplete Grade must be completed by both the student and Instructor, and sent to CDSS College Advising via email at This petition must be submitted according to the deadlines listed above.. If approved, students must complete the course by the new deadline. Requests for freezing or retaining an Incomplete on a course approved for an extension will be denied. If an extension is denied, the grade must be entered by the instructor by the deadline or the Incomplete will lapse to an F grade.

Retaining/Freezing an Incomplete


Student Deadline: Student to submit petition to freeze to CDSS college advising - due by the lapse date.

Instructor Deadline: Not applicable.

A student may retain ("freeze") two incomplete grades throughout their undergraduate career so that they remain permanently on the record as Incompletes (they never lapse to an F or NP) by filing the appropriate petition according to the deadlines listed above. Late petitions will not be accepted. Once an I grade has been frozen, the course or its equivalent can never be completed or repeated. Thus, a student may not freeze an I grade in a required course. I grades may not be frozen after an I grade has been extended.

Petition to Request to Retain/Freeze an Incomplete Grade 

Academic Standing

Students will be placed on Academic Notice when any of the following conditions occur:

  • Earning a term (semester) GPA below 1.5 at the end of a Fall or Spring semester*
  • Earning a cumulative UC GPA below 2.0 at the end of a Fall or Spring semester*

*A summer term will not place a student on Academic Notice or clear a student on Academic Notice.

Students can find themselves on Academic Notice for many reasons, including personal, financial, health, family, or other issues. Our goal in CDSS is to help you identify the factors that are relevant to you and to help you address them. We recommend the following actions if you are placed on Academic Notice:

  • Meet with CDSS College Advising and check in throughout the semester if you need extra support. CDSS College Advisors can help you come up with a plan to set you up for success for the semester and also provide you with resources for whatever factors might have contributed to you being placed on Academic Notice.
  • Meet with your Major Advisor if you are having difficulty in your major-related coursework.
  • Read all emails from CDSS as some might be in regards to your Academic Notice status.
  • Use the midpoint of the semester as a checkpoint to see how you are progressing. If you need support, don’t hesitate to reach out to CDSS College Advising.

To clear Academic Notice, you will need to do the following:

  • Be enrolled in at least 12 units for the current term*
  • All enrolled classes must be taken for a letter grade except for classes that are only offered as P/NP. If you attempt to change a grading option of a class from a letter grade to EPN, the change will be reverted.
  • Earn a minimum 2.0 term (semester) GPA and a 2.0 cumulative UC GPA by the end of the next Fall or Spring semester of enrollment. 

If you are approved for a Reduced Course Load, you can enroll in less than 12 units and it will not impact your Academic Notice status. If you use a late drop, this will be automatically approved as a Reduced Course Load and it will not impact your Academic Notice status.

If you do not clear Academic Notice after your first term of being on Academic Notice, you will have the following term to clear Academic Notice. During this second term, your status will be changed to “Subject to Dismissal.”

If you do not clear Academic Notice after your second term on Academic Notice, your status will be reviewed and it will either be changed to Continued on Academic Notice (CAN) or you will be Dismissed (see the “Dismissal” section below for more information).

If you do not clear Academic Notice after your second term of being on Academic Notice with a Subject to Dismissal status, CDSS will evaluate your progress and determine if you will be Continued on Academic Notice (CAN) or Dismissed. 

If you are CAN, you will have one more term to clear Academic Notice. In order to be considered for CAN you will need to provide a letter stating why you were not able to clear Academic Notice and why you should be able to continue on with your studies. More information will be provided to all students who are Subject to Dismissal after grades have been posted for the current term.

Students can be dismissed from CDSS if they do not clear their second semester of Academic Notice. Students will be informed by CDSS at the beginning of the term that they are Subject to Dismissal and they will be informed at the end of the term if they have been dismissed or that they are Continued on Academic Notice (CAN) or that they have cleared Academic Notice.

If a student is dismissed, they must take a break from UC Berkeley and cannot enroll in UC Berkeley classes. However, students can continue their studies in CDSS at UC Berkeley by meeting certain eligibility requirements that show readiness to return. See the Readmission section for more details.

If you have questions about dismissal, please email or meet with CDSS Advising.

Transfer Credit

Transferring courses from other higher education institutions (CSUs, private, out-of-state schools, non-UC study abroad programs) is possible, but involves additional steps and time to assess the credit. The information below will help you understand, assess, and get credit for transfer work through community college. 

  • Grades acquired at a California Community College will not factor into your UC Berkeley GPA
  • Credits taken at a California Community College only transfer as lower division units 
  • Credits taken may satisfy multiple requirements
  • If you would like to know which classes may be transferable to UC Berkeley, please use This website has articulation agreements between public California Community Colleges and public California Universities.

For FAQs related to the processing of transfer credit and transfer coursework showing on your APR, review Cal Student Central's Transfer Credit: Course Evaluation page.

Please note that there is no guarantee that any particular degree requirement can be satisfied at another institution. 

Requirement Does Full IGETC satisfy this requirement? Can this requirement be satisfied with a transfer course? Notes
American History and Institutions No Yes  
American Cultures No Yes The American Cultures website has a list of approved courses
Reading & Composition Yes Yes  
Breadth Requirements Yes Yes  
Computational Reasoning No Yes The Computer Science and Data Science majors automatically satisfy this requirement
Statistical Reasoning No Yes The Statistics and Data Science majors automatically satisfy this requirement.
HSDDT No Not at this time The Data Science major automatically satisfies this requirement


You can get an approximation of how many units you will earn from your exam scores through the UC Admissions website. Ultimately, your Transfer Credit Report, found in the Academics tab of your CalCentral, will detail the units you received for your exam scores. This information will become available during your Initial Transfer Credit Review

Exam scores may satisfy:

Exam scores can not satisfy:

  • American Cultures - University Requirement
  • Human and Social Dynamics of Data and Technology - College requirement
  • Breadth requirements - College requirement






Entry Level Writing

AP exam in English Language or Literature or Seminar 

- Score of 3 or higher


AP assessment in Research

- Score of 3 or higher

IBHL Examination in English (Language A only) 

- Score of 5 or higher


IBSL Examination in English (Language A only)

- Score of 6 or higher

Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section of the SAT

- Score of 680 or higher


The digital SAT Reading and Writing section score has not been approved to meet the ELWR. 

ACT English Language Arts

- Score of 30 or higher


ACT English + Reading

- Score of 63 or higher

American History and Institutions

AP United States History exam (Both AH&I requirements)

- Score of 3 or higher


AP United States Government and Politics exam (American Institutions Requirement only)

- score of 3 or higher 

IBHL History of the Americas exam 

- score of 5 or higher

SAT Subject Test in US history 

- score of 550 or higher

Satisfying the portion of the area “History/Social Science (a)” requirement for freshman admission (one year of U.S. history; or one-half year of U.S. history and one-half year of civics or American government)

- letter grades of C or higher

Reading & Composition

AP English Literature and Composition Exam

- Score of 4 satisfies Part A

- Score of 5 satisfies Parts A & B


AP English Language and Composition 

- Score of 4 or higher satisfies Part A

IBHL English A: Literature

- Score of 5 or higher satisfies Parts A & B


Beginning 2018 - IBHL English A: Language and Literature

- Score of 5 or higher satisfies Parts A & B


The IB Literature and Performance exam and the Standard Level (SL) exams are not accepted to satisfy Reading & Composition


GCE A-Level English Literature exam for students entering Berkeley fall 2018 and beyond

- Not accepted to satisfy Reading & Composition

Computational Reasoning

AP Exam in Computer Science Principles

- Score of 3 or higher

IBHL Exam in Computer Science

- Score of 5 or higher



Statistical Reasoning

AP Exam in Statistics

- Score of 3 or higher

IBHLExam in Mathematics, Applications and Interpretation

- Score of 5 or higher


GCE A-level Mathematics Exam in Probability and Statistics

- A, B, or C (or 1, 2, or 3)






Transferring courses from other higher education institutions (CSUs, private, out-of-state schools, non-UC study abroad programs) is possible, but involves additional steps (and time) to assess the credit. Because very few courses from these institutions have been pre-reviewed, it can take additional time to get assurance that you have chosen a course that will transfer. Additionally, some institutions may not have courses that meet UC standards, so while a course may sound similar to one found at UC Berkeley, it may not be transferable. If you do not get your course pre-reviewed before taking it, bear in mind that there are no guarantees that the credit will transfer.

Assessing coursework from other higher education institutions is a multi-step process:

  • First, the credit must be determined to be transferable to your undergraduate degree at UC Berkeley. If a course is determined as transferable, this means that you can receive units for the course and that the course meets standards of the UC system, allowing it to potentially apply to degree requirements.
  • Second, the course must be assessed for any specific degree requirements beyond units, such as general education or major requirements.
  • It is ideal to get your coursework reviewed before taking the course. This gives you a guarantee that a course will count in the way you are planning. However, you may have found this information after taking the course, or may not be able to get a syllabus for review before taking the course. The procedure for review is the same whether it is before you have taken the course or after the course has been posted to your record. 
  • Some basics about transfer credit from other higher education institutions (CSUs, private, out of state schools, non-UC study abroad programs):
    • Will not count in UC GPA. 
    • Will not show on transcript outside of "transfer credit" unit summaries. 
    • Will not count for residence requirements, including upper division in residence, senior residence, or major residence.
    • Not guaranteed to transfer.
  • Additional public searchable information can be found on the College Source website. This includes courses in other higher education institutions in the country and limited offerings abroad. 

Berkeley Summer Abroad and Berkeley Global Internships

All courses taken on Berkeley Summer Abroad and Berkeley Global Internships programs are accredited Berkeley courses. The course numbers, titles, units, and grades will be posted to your Berkeley transcript and are calculated into the cumulative UC GPA like an on-campus course. If approved by the department and/or college, the courses may fulfill major, minor, breadth, and general education requirements.

UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP)

All UCEAP courses, units, and grades will automatically transfer back to Berkeley and post to your transcript as UC credit. UCEAP grades are calculated into your cumulative UC GPA. UCEAP assigns a course subject, number and title to every course you enroll in. These UCEAP course numbers do not correlate with any specific UC Berkeley course numbers. However, if approved by the department and/or college, the courses may fulfill major, minor, breadth, and general education requirements.

Other UC campus programs

If you participate in a summer or quarter program offered by another University of California campus, you will have a transcript issued by that UC. Once submitted to the Berkeley Office of Undergraduate Admissions, the courses will receive unit credit on your Berkeley transcript, and grade points are calculated into your UC GPA. However, no course detail is shown on the Berkeley transcript. You can request an official transcript from the UC of participation to submit to graduate schools, employers, etc. when course detail is required. If approved by the department and/or college, the courses may fulfill major, minor, breadth, and general education requirements.

Affiliate and independent programs 

You may submit an official transcript for coursework taken on affiliate and independent study abroad programs to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. If approved, transfer credit is posted to your Berkeley transcript, noting the institution awarding the credit, the term, and total units. Individual course detail does not appear on the Berkeley transcript, and courses are not calculated into the UC GPA. In the future, you will have to request an official transcript from the host institution to submit to graduate schools, employers, etc. when course detail is required. However, the course titles, units, and grades are visible in the CalCentral system for Berkeley undergraduate academic advisors, and can be used to fulfill major, minor, breadth, and general education requirements if approved by the department and/or college.

College Advising for Study Abroad

If you are interested in studying abroad and want to know more about what requirements you can complete as a CDSS student, is it important to meet with an advisor in both your major and college. For CDSS students, we recommend that you visit the College Advising website for Berkeley Study Abroad for information on the following:

  • Senior Residency
  • Evaluation of breadth courses (and a database of pre-approved courses through UCEAP)
  • Study abroad as your last term at Berkeley

To request a course you took at another higher education institution, including on study abroad, to be evaluated to satisfy a CDSS College Requirement, please fill out the Course Equivalency Request for CDSS College Requirements form. Previously approved transfer courses from domestic and international institutions can be viewed here

Withdrawal and Readmission

Withdrawal from a current semester

If you find it necessary to discontinue attending classes during the semester, you must formally request a withdrawal from the University. When you withdraw, any classes in which you are enrolled will be dropped from your schedule, and any classes in which you are enrolled for a future term will also be dropped. You will no longer be eligible to attend Berkeley until you are readmitted (see below). You should discuss withdrawal with a CDSS College Advisor and Major Advisor.

Withdrawal requests submitted during RRR week will be approved on or before the Friday of RRR week, even if you have not contacted your College Advisor. Students who withdraw during or after RRR week  will be subject to the "semester-out" rule, meaning they are not eligible to enroll at UC Berkeley the following semester. Your College Advisor will process your withdrawal electronically; you do not need to go to the Cal Student Central office to file a petition.

Cancellation for an upcoming semester

Withdrawals submitted prior to the first day of instruction for a term will be processed as a cancellation of registration. You will need to apply for readmission in order to attend a future Fall or Spring semester.

Readmission for Graduation Purposes (non-enrollment)

If you are withdrawn from UC Berkeley and wish to be added to the degree list, you will need to be readmitted for graduation purposes. To understand this process, reach out to CDSS college advising.  The deadline to request to be added to the degree list while you are withdrawn is the last day of instruction (Friday before RRR week) at 11:59:00pm PT.  

If you wish to be readmitted for a Summer term in order to complete required courses and be added to the degree list, this may be an option. Please reach out to CDSS college advising to learn more. 


If you plan to enroll for a future term, you must file an Application for Readmission by the following deadlines:

  • Fall Semester: June 1;* Priority Deadline - March 15
  • Spring Semester: November 1; * Priority Deadline - September 15 

Students who withdraw from the university during or after RRR week of a Fall or Spring semester are not eligible for readmission in the following semester. Please contact CDSS College Advising for more information. 

How to submit a withdrawal or cancellation

Submit a Withdrawal Request by going to your CalCentral’s “My Dashboard” tab and selecting “Add a Withdrawal Request” under Student Resources.

  • To submit a withdrawal, select the current term.
  • For a cancellation, select a future term. 

Newly Admitted Students: If you submit a withdrawal request prior to the first day of instruction of your first semester, it will result in the cancellation of your admission to UC Berkeley.

Undergraduate students who leave the University and are absent for one or more semesters must apply for readmission. Readmission and re-enrollment is not guaranteed. The decision ultimately rests with the College. If you have not been dismissed and want to resume your studies in CDSS after withdrawing or being absent for one or more semesters, the readmission process is streamlined. Students who left the College in good standing and who do not have any registration holds are encouraged to submit the readmission application by the posted deadline.  

Students who withdraw from the university during or after RRR week of a Fall or Spring semester, are not eligible for readmission in the following semester.  

Upon readmission, you will be required to submit an online Statement of Legal Residence and an application for readmission fee via CalCentral. For more information about readmission fee waivers, please visit the Educational Opportunity Program website.

Applying for Readmission

Please reference this chart for steps on who to contact as your begin your readmission journey. Then complete the following pieces of the Application for Readmission and submit all application materials together to CDSS College Advising at

Deadlines to Apply for Readmission

In order to be considered for readmission, you must file an Application for Readmission by the following deadlines:

  • Fall Semester: June 1; * Priority Deadline - March 15
  • Spring Semester: November 1; * Priority Deadline - September 15 

* In order to be on time for your Phase I registration appointment, it is strongly recommended to submit your completed request by the priority deadlines. Completed requests will still be accepted after the priority deadlines, but are not guaranteed to result in a Phase I registration appointment.

Students from Other Colleges

Students who were last enrolled at UC Berkeley in another college (L&S, Haas, COE, CED, RCNR or Chem) and wish to be readmitted directly into CDSS may petition to do so under certain circumstances. In these cases, readmission will require that the student be eligible to declare one of the CDSS majors. Readmission into CDSS is not guaranteed, and students should also consider alternative plans to return to UC Berkeley.

Students interested in pursuing a change of college as part of their readmission should:

  • Review the requirements for their intended major. Requirements to declare will vary by major.
  • Meet with the advisor for the major they wish to declare.
  • Meet with a college advisor for guidance on the change of college and readmission processes. 

Readmission After Dismissal 

Students in dismissal status may not continue their studies in CDSS or enroll in classes at UC Berkeley during a Fall or Spring semester. However, some students may elect to attend another educational institution, such as a community college, to improve their academic performance, and request special permission to return to UC Berkeley. 

Readmission after dismissal may be approved if the student demonstrates readiness to return. To be eligible for readmission after dismissal, students will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Two full-time (at least 12 units) terms away at a different institution earning a B average for each term
    • Summer or winter term can be counted as one term (at least 6 units must be taken to be considered full-time)
    • Students who have approved reduced course load can take less than 12 units in a term
  • One page statement about the difficulties you have experienced at UC Berkeley and what you have been doing to improve your situation and why you are ready to return
  • Optional: any other documentation you think would support your case

Your advisor will be able to discuss these and other options with you. In order to understand the readmission process after previous dismissal, make an appointment to speak with a CDSS College Advisor or email

Forms and Petitions

Forms and petitions are linked in the appropriate policy sections. 

Current CDSS students can also access forms and petitions in the CDSS 001 Ed forum. To request to join the forum, submit the CDSS Ed Forum online request form