Questions about enrolling in a Data course?
- Start by reviewing our Spring 2023 Enrollment FAQs. This document includes all known details about enrollment restrictions, time conflicts and alternate exams for Data classes.
- Check for updates on the Data 001 Ed Discussion page.
- Read the Class Notes for each class on the Schedule of Classes.
If you have checked the resources above and cannot find the answer to your question:
- For questions about enrolling in Data courses, please contact us at
- For questions about enrolling in other courses, please contact the department that manages the course (for example: for IND ENG 135, please contact IEOR; for COMPSCI 61B, please contact EECS).
Enrollment Permission Requests
Data Science enforces class prerequisites and corequisites for most classes, as approved in the Berkeley Academic Guide, with limited substitutions allowed. We do not consider exceptions (i.e. requests to enroll without completing the requisites or any approved substitute).
Students are expected to complete all prerequisites with passing grades of C- or better before the class begins, including prerequisites that were in-progress or Incomplete at the time of enrollment. We reserve the right to drop students who don't meet these requirements.
TIMING: Please be sure to submit your request before your Phase 1 enrollment time, or as soon as you want to enroll. Enrollment requests will be reviewed within 1-2 business days beginning after October 12, 2022.