Seminar | November 23 | 11 a.m.-12 p.m. | WeWork Berkeley, Meeting Room A, 4th Floor | Note change in location
2120 University Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94709
Adam Gleave, PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS)
Machine learning has made remarkable progress towards building automated systems that achieve high average-case performance on procedurally specified objectives. However, real-world tasks often have complex objectives that are difficult to specify procedurally, and safety-critical tasks often demand worst-case guarantees. In this talk, I will first discuss how agent objectives can be inferred from human feedback, with a focus on how to test and validate the learned objective. I will then introduce methods for adversarially testing agents, concluding with methods to make agents more robust.
This is a hybrid event and may be also be attended via:
Zoom Location:
Zoom Meeting ID: 976 5050 4829
Zoom Passcode: 879671
Roxana Infante,, 510-643-3257