Seminar | September 28 | 3:10 p.m. | 340 Evans Hall
Kevin Yang, U.C. Berkeley
This talk has two goals. The first is the derivation of a time-dependent KPZ equation (TDKPZ) from a time-inhomogeneous Ginzburg-Landau model, which describes, among many other things, stochastic dynamics of ferromagnets whose physics have been known to be time-dependent (due to Eddy currents) since the 1800s. The TDKPZ has a nonlinear twist that is not seen in the usual KPZ equation, making it a more interesting SPDE.
The second goal is universality of the method for deriving (TD)KPZ, which should work beyond Ginzburg-Landau. In particular, we answer an open question of deriving (TD)KPZ from asymmetric particle systems under natural fluctuation-versions of the assumptions in Yaus relative entropy method; the only additional assumption we need is a log-Sobolev inequality. Time permitting, future directions (of pure and applied flavors) will be discussed.
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Alan Hammond,, 510-00000000