
Thank you. During Big Give 2021, alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff, and friends just like you came together to give 157 gifts (374% growth!) totaling $60,424.

Register now for the Berkeley Women in Data Science Conference, March 9-11


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Bringing Data Science to Liberal Arts Courses


Although Data Science only just became an official Berkeley major in Fall 2018⁠, its versatility and applicability in almost all domains have led to its rapid expansion across campus.

Data Science Beyond the Classroom


Over the past five years, the Data Science Discovery program has helped hundreds of Berkeley undergraduate students join data science research projects.

Climate Research, Scientific Computing Converging at a Critical Time


For decades, supercomputers have played a critical role in studying our climate and predicting how global changes will impact the world, as well as potential ways to mitigate those effects.

CDSS Associate Dean Oliver O’Reilly Awarded the 2021 Berkeley Faculty Service Award



Pandemic provides real-time experiment for diagnosing, treating misinformation, disinformation


UC Berkeley faculty discuss the nature of misinformation during the pandemic and how to assess, evaluate and engage more effectively with the information resources we consult.

With the COVID-19 virus spiking w

Translating Numbers Into Words: The Art of Writing About Data Science


UC Berkeley Statistics Professor Deborah Nolan readily admits that writing is difficult for her. And based on what she has heard and seen in 30+ years of teaching, most of her students face the same challenge.