UC Berkeley Presents Best Practices on Developing a Data Science Research Institutional Strategy

As the demand for data science research continues to increase, research institutions are taking a closer look at how to create an institutional strategy around data science research. UC Berkeley has been a leader in this area beginning with its Moore-Sloan Data Science Environments project. The Coalition for Networked Information’s spring virtual meeting featured UC Berkeley's Anthony Suen, Data Science Education Program’s Director of Programs...

Spring 2018 Relaunch with BIDS

New page on BIDS formalizing the transition from the BIDS Collaborative to the Data Science Discovery Program.

Spotlight: Spring 2020 Discovery Projects

Students Michael Huang, Neha Hudait, Alan Liang, Arth Vidyarthi, Adhithya Basker and Lyle Lalunio worked with UCSF to apply deep learning to echocardiograms to detect heart disease.

Berkeley Data Science Celebrates its Second Graduating Class

The UC Berkeley Data Science Class of 2020 has officially graduated! There are so many reasons to be proud of this brilliant, diverse group — 331 students graduated this spring with a degree in Data Science, of which 143 were double majors, and 40% of the graduates were women. The number of women graduating with a Data Science degree continues to increase with each graduating...

Graduate Profile: Using Data Science to Better Understand the Community and the World

Growing up in Los Angeles, Rucha Kelkar initially wanted to attend college out-of-state. She decided on Berkeley for its diversity in technology and computer science opportunities. She initially struggled to select a major, ultimately declaring Data Science with a Cognition emphasis. Data Science allowed Rucha to combine multiple fields as she was interested in the intersections of data science and neuroscience, computer science, and psychology...

Berkeley Undergraduates Making Data Science Accessible Across Disciplines

At UC Berkeley, not only are professors advancing the field of data science; undergraduate students also are making an impact in their own right. They are designing data science curriculum, participating in research development, creating course materials with data sets, embedding responsible and ethical principles into data science curriculum, and engaging in research partnerships with entrepreneurs and corporations. The annual Data Science Showcase earlier this...

Rejection Turned Out Great for Berkeley's Top Graduating Senior

Statistics major, citizen scientist, EMT, harpist, and all-around superstar Anna Boser is this year’s winner of the University Medal, UC Berkeley’s highest honor for a graduating senior. Find out why she had planned to go anywhere but Berkeley -- and how she discovered that this was exactly where she needed to be.

Spring 2020 Showcase

Learn more about our students' amazing work this semester helping to design courses, explore the human and social contexts and ethics of data, and advance data science research projects.

COVID 19 - Tracking, data privacy, and getting the numbers right

As plans for re-opening businesses, communities, and schools emerge, it becomes increasingly important to better understand how many people are being infected and dying from COVID-19, and where and how the new coronavirus is transmitted. In this conversation led by Nobel Laureate Saul Perlmutter, Director of the Berkeley Institute for Data Science and Professor of Physics, three Berkeley faculty opened different windows onto what we’re...

Are Distancing Measures Worth the Sacrifice? See for yourself.

How much difference does closing schools make in limiting the spread of COVID-19? How about border restrictions? Stay-at-home orders? A group of researchers from Berkeley, Georgia Tech, and University of Illinois have built an app to help explore these questions. COVIDVIS enables users to look at the interplay of these and other interventions and the number of reported COVID-19 cases and deaths. The idea is...