Upcoming Event: Creating Informed Responses to COVID-19

Berkeley's Computing and Data Science In Action Join us this Tuesday, April 7 for Creating Informed Responses: Berkeley's Computing and Data Science In Action, a conversation with UC Berkeley researchers leveraging computing and data science to blunt the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and support a robust recovery. This video event will feature Berkeley experts who are at the center of these critical efforts , which include...

COVID-19: Data Science Student Resources

Our prime concern is for students' health and fundamental well-being and academic learning. And we want to assure our students that throughout this tumultuous time, we commit to helping you in any way that we can. Please take special care of your whole selves – get plenty of rest, follow the general guidelines for illness prevention, and check in with yourself to monitor your emotional...

Big Give: Help Build CDSS!

[[{"fid":"1639","view_mode":"width_300","fields":{"format":"width_300","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Big Give 2020","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Big Give 2020"},"type":"media","field_deltas":{"2":{"format":"width_300","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Big Give 2020","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Big Give 2020"}},"attributes":{"alt":"Big Give 2020","title":"Big Give 2020","style":"float: left;","class":"media-element file-width-300","data-delta":"2"}}]]Entering the Data 8 classroom for the first time. Working alongside world-leading researchers advancing the state of the art in computing. Deploying data science to help tackle climate change. Savoring that a-ha moment when your code finally runs after hours of work. The UC Berkeley Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS)...

Light the Way: We’re Just Getting Started!

Among the highlights of the launch of UC Berkeley’s $6 billion Light the Way Capital Campaign is the exciting announcement of a $252 million gift to seed construction of a new Data Hub that will serve as the future home for the Division of Computing, Data Science, & Society (CDSS). The extraordinarily generous gift—the largest in UC Berkeley’s history, made by an anonymous donor—is one...

Aditya Parameswaran Awarded Sloan Research Fellowship

Aditya Parameswaran, who has a joint appointment with EECS and the School of Information, is among eight other UC Berkeley faculty awarded the Sloan Research Fellowship, an honor given yearly to the brightest up-and-coming scientists in the United States and Canada. He develops systems for interactive, or “human-in-the-loop,” data analytics by synthesizing techniques from database systems, data mining and human-computer interaction.

Largest gift in Berkeley’s History will seed hub for data science

The Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS) will soon have a brick-and-mortar home, thanks to an anonymous $252 million gift to seed the construction of a new “data hub” on the open space at the intersection of Hearst Avenue, Arch Street, and MacFarlane Lane. The donation, which represents the single largest gift in Berkeley’s history, will provide core funding for a sustainable, visually...

Data Science Minor Available to Declare

UC Berkeley undergraduate students are now able to declare a Minor in Data Science! The minor is a unique opportunity for Berkeley students across a variety of majors to engage with data science and gain practical knowledge of the methods, techniques, and applications as well as the ability to think critically about the construction and implications of data science. "The Data Science advising team is...

Announcement: Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society

Paul Alivisatos, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and Jennifer Chayes, Associate Provost, Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society and Dean, School of Information, shared the following message on February 5, 2020: Dear Colleagues: On November 1, 2018, we announced the creation of a new interdisciplinary division that we provisionally named the Division of Data Science and Information. After gathering valuable input from a wide...

It’s Official: We’re the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society

We’re excited to introduce our official name: the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society. UC Berkeley Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Paul Alivisatos and Associate Provost Jennifer Chayes announced the name today after considering input and nominations from stakeholders across campus. UC Berkeley leaders first announced the Division under a provisional name in November 2018. Associate Provost Chayes said the name Computing, Data Science...

Fall 2019 Showcase Highlights!

Our Fall Data Science Showcase featured more than 30 student posters and project presentations on everything from understanding achievement gaps in public schools to improving water quality. The Showcase on December 5 at Sutardja Dai Hall offered a window into the amazing ways that students are using data science to advance discovery and impact across campus and beyond, including: Hands-on student Discovery research projects leveraging...