Chancellor announces launch of Data Science Planning Initiative


The following email message was sent to campus faculty on Nov. 11, 2015 by Chancellor Nicholas Dirks and Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Claude Steele.

Dear Colleagues, 

Call for Connectors 2016-17


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Op-Ed: UC Berkeley should expand data science education


An op-ed by a UC Berkeley student arguing for the need for the campus' investment in data science education.

Chancellor's Corner: New emphasis on data science valuable to students in all fields


An op-ed from UC Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks in the Daily Californian student newspaper.

Data Science Pedagogy Short Course for UCB Faculty


About the Short Course

The UC Berkeley Data Science Initiative plans to offer a week-long short course designed to familiarize UCB instructors with the approach, pedagogy, and contents of CS/INFO/STAT C8 - Foundations of Data Science

Google supports computing environment for Foundations of Data Science course


A team of Berkeley faculty have been awarded a $150,000 Google grant and $30,000 of in-kind credits to further develop the computing environment used in

Statistics faculty receive prestigious grant to develop new data science course for Spring 2017


This spring, Berkeley’s growing Data Science curriculum will take another step forward, with the introduction of a new lower-division course that allows students of all majors to learn relatively advanced statistical methods w

Students invited to Data Science Social on Sept. 1 2016


Students interested in data science at Berkeley are invited to join us for the Fall's first Data Science Social hosted by data science student groups like the Data Society Society, Undergraduate Statistics Association, ML@B,&nb

Data science students can borrow laptops for the semester


Students enrolled in Foundations of Data Science (CS / Info / Statistics C8) or connector courses at Berkeley can now borrow laptop computers from the Library for t

Data science research opportunities for undergraduates


Undergraduate students interested in data science have a unique opportunity to apply the skills learned in class to hands-on research projects led by UC Berkeley faculty.