Impact Circles exists to help social innovators scale their impact. It consists of growing circles of social impact enthusiasts, subject matter experts, and thought leaders who believe in joining forces for tackling the pressing issues facing our societies and planet.
We acknowledge that the public challenges are interconnected and system change cannot be done by one organization. That's why we work tirelessly towards creating a peer community and spotlighting the strategic support social innovators need for creating collective impact.
I have been ideating a product solution that can visualize the social entrepreneurs network - a digital map of social ventures connected through the common problems they are solving. It is meant to help (1) entrepreneurs quickly identify strategic partners; (2) funders to navigate the social impact market, and (3) it should facilitate the global exchange of social innovation insights and know-how.
A similar solution is Impact Investing Map built by Case Foundation, in collaboration with ImpactSpace and Crunchbase. I want to take inspiration from its interface, and consider recentering the common problems being solved and impact created (instead of the transactions). The project will require skills including data visualization and AI.