Students interested in developing their technical and analytical skills, gaining professional experience, and making a difference in the data science community at Cal are encouraged to apply!

To learn more about the available positions and to submit an application, please click on the Job Descriptions linked below. Please note that application deadlines vary.

Additional positions will be posted as they become available. 

Please contact (link sends email) if you have any questions or concerns.

To access the team applications, click on the Job Descriptions linked below. Please read through the responsibilities and qualifications for the positions you are interested in. We encourage applicants from all backgrounds and skill levels to apply!

You may apply to as many teams as you like, but if you are offered a position on multiple teams and are new to working for DSUS, you may only select one.

Note: application deadlines vary. 

Please direct any questions to (link sends email).

Each semester, we receive hundreds of applications to process and review, so please be patient as we review all candidates. 

If you believe you may have made an error on any of your applications, please contact (link sends email). To maintain fairness for all applicants, we cannot guarantee that errors or changes will be fixed once the application period ends. Therefore, we recommend you review your application before submission.

Frequently Asked Questions

Updated March 31, 2022

Positions will vary from remote to in-person depending on the team. Please contact us at sends email) for more specific inquiries.

If you will be located outside of California:
You can still apply! If you receive an offer with us and decide to accept, you must agree to follow all of our policies in compliance with campus around reporting out-of-state work or your out-of-state address on all necessary platforms (i.e., CalCentral) for tax implications. You must also fill out an out-of-state work agreement via Docusign, which you will be provided during onboarding. 

If you will be located outside of the U.S.:
The University of California as an employer does not yet have systems in place to ensure compliance requirements are met; therefore, the UC expects paid employees to conduct work within the United States at this time.

BUT, we are recruiting for a few roles on a volunteer basis, and these roles are open to students outside of the U.S. 

The College of Computing, Data Science, and Society has a program focused on research called the Discovery Research Program. Please check their website for the most up-to-date information and deadlines.

The College also has a pilot program called Discovery Exchange, which links students together for independent data science research. Learn more about the program at the Discovery Exchange website.

You can find information about all of our teams on our Student Opportunities page. You may also find it helpful to review the Data Science Undergraduate Studies' Student Teams Structure Chart (link is external) before applying. More information about specific positions, job descriptions, responsibilities, and qualifications for each position are posted below.

Yes — all paid positions are eligible for work-study, and there is no separate application for work-study applicants. If you receive an offer with us in a paid role and decide to accept, we will contact you about whether you want to use work-study (you must be eligible) for this role. If you choose to use your work-study, we will send you an offer through the Work-Study Management System, which you must accept promptly so that your work-study can be processed in time. 

Curriculum Support Teams

Connector Course Assistants, Human Contexts and Ethics (HCE), Data Science Modules, Online Learning Services (OLS)

About the Team

The Curriculum Support teams work with faculty to create open-source materials for lectures, labs, and homework. The work that the Curriculum Support teams do is incorporated into course materials throughout campus. From data ethics to incorporating data science into other departments, the Curriculum Support team is key in creating and promoting our Data Science Undergraduate Studies on campus. Hone your skills as a data scientist and build a portfolio while making an educational impact across campus!

Positions Available

Connector Course Assistants 


DS Modules



Application Information

Positions are recruited by a team. To access the team application, please see the job description page for each position you are interested in.

Along with your application for any teams you are interested in, you must also complete the Applicant Supplemental Form. However, you must only complete the Applicant Supplemental Form once.

Note: You must sign in to your UC Berkeley email account to complete the application.

Curriculum Support Teams

Campus Support Teams

Data Peer Consultants, Global Adoption Team, Infrastructure Team, Peer Advising Team, Transfer Mentors, Career Accelerator Program, Data Ambassadors

Campus Support Teams

About the Team

The Campus Support student teams, provide services to the broader campus community by consulting on research projects, building infrastructure, and supporting other campuses in adopting data science programs and curricula. In addition, the Support teams work directly with both students and campus, providing support for data science and being ambassadors for the Data Science Undergraduate Studies Students will learn the ins and outs of a rapidly growing academic organization and make their mark on the largest Data Science education program in the nation by contributing to the operational functions of the organization.

Positions Available

Data Ambassadors
- Data Ambassador

Global Adoption

Peer Advising
- 2024-2025 Positions Open (Applications due July 28)

Transfer Mentors

Career Accelerator Program


Application Information

Positions are recruited by a team. To access the team application, please see the job description page for each position you are interested in.

Along with your application for any teams you are interested in, you must also complete the Applicant Supplemental Form. However, you must only complete the Applicant Supplemental Form once.

Note: You must sign in to your UC Berkeley email account to complete the application.

Program Support Teams

Discovery Operations, Discovery Consultants, HR & Management, Strategic Operations/Nexus

About the Team

The Program Support team supports the crucial functions of the Data Science Undergraduate Studies by developing our branding and marketing platform, managing the initiatives that draw all of our student programs together, and creating and maintaining a sense of data science community. Gain valuable leadership skills while working on large-scale projects with impacts across campus and the broader data science community. Learn the ins and outs of a rapidly growing academic organization and make your mark on the largest Data Science program in the nation!

Positions Available

Discovery Operations

Discovery Consultants

HR & Management - Not recruiting for Spring 2024.

Strategic Operations/Nexus - Not recruiting for Spring 2024.

Application Information

Positions are recruited by a team. To access the team application, please see the job description page for each position you are interested in.

Along with your application for any teams you are interested in, you must also complete the Applicant Supplemental Form. However, you must only complete the Applicant Supplemental Form once.

Note: You must sign in to your UC Berkeley email account to complete the application.

Program Support Teams