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The Minor in Data Science at UC Berkeley aims to provide students with practical knowledge of the methods and techniques of data analysis, as well as the ability to think critically about the construction and implications of data analysis and models. The minor will empower students across the wide array of campus disciplines with a working knowledge of statistics, probability, and computation that allow students not just to participate in data science projects, but to design and carry out rigorous computational and inferential analysis for their field of interest.
The minor in Data Science has been approved for all undergraduate students (except those pursuing a BA in Data Science).
Lower Division Requirements | ||
1. | Foundations |
Data C8 (CompSci/Stat/Info C8) Stat 20 may substitute for Data C8 if combined with CS/Data C88C or CS 61A for the Programming requirement; this option is not available for students who take Engin 7 for their Programming requirement. |
2. | Programming | CompSci/Data C88C (formerly CompSci 88) or CompSci 61A or ENGIN 7 |
3. | Probability |
Stat/Data C88S (formerly Stat 88) or CivEng 93 or CompSci 70 or Math 10B or Math 55 (Students may choose to substitute Stat 134, Stat 140, IND ENG 172, or EECS 126. If counted here, the same course will not also count toward the upper-division electives in the minor.) |
Upper Division Requirements Note that both pathways require the same total number of courses. |
1-Course Core Pathway The 1-course core pathway expects background of at least 2 semesters of calculus and 1 semester of linear algebra. In its current implementation, Data 100 uses Python. |
2-Course Core Pathway The 2-course core pathway expects background of 1 semester of calculus. In its current implementation, Stat 131A and 133 use R. |
1. | Gateway |
Data 100 (CS/Stat C100) - Principles & Techniques of Data Science (Enforced Prerequisites: Data C8; CS 61A or 88 or Engin 7. Enforced Corequisite: Math 54 or 56 or EE/EECS 16A.) |
Data/Stat 131A - Statistical Methods for Data Science and Stat 133 - Concepts in Computing with Data |
2. | Human Contexts & Ethics |
Choose ONE from: AMERST/AFRICAM 134 or C134, BIO ENG 100, CY PLAN 101, DATA C104/HIST C184D/STS C104, DIGHUM 100, ESPM C167/PBHLTH C160, INFO 188, ISF 100J, NWMEDIA 151AC, PHILOS 121 |
Choose ONE from: AMERST/AFRICAM 134 or C134, BIO ENG 100, CY PLAN 101, DATA C104/HIST C184D/STS C104, DIGHUM 100, ESPM C167/PBHLTH C160, INFO 188, ISF 100J, NWMEDIA 151AC, PHILOS 121 |
Elective(s) |
Choose TWO from the approved electives list |
Choose ONE from the approved electives list |
Grading Rules
- All courses for the minor must be taken for a letter grade (except for the specific exceptions in Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021 and Fall 2022 listed above).
- Students must earn a C- or better in each course, and have a minimum 2.0 GPA in all courses towards the minor.
Overlap Rules*
Please note that the Data Science minor is offered by the College of Computing, Data Science and Society and overlap policies differ from minors offered by other Schools or Colleges. Please read this section carefully. *Please also be sure to check with your home College about any overlap rules that may apply to minors. If your College has a different policy, the most restrictive policy applies. |
Courses counting toward your major:
- Students may overlap up to 1 course in the upper division requirements for the Data Science minor with each of their majors
- For example, a Computer Science major may count DATA/COMPSCI/STAT C100 toward both their major and the Data Science minor.
Courses offered by the department of your major:
- A maximum of one course offered by or cross-listed with the student’s major department(s) may count toward the data science minor upper-division requirements, including any overlapping course. Please pay attention to any course which may be cross-listed (e.g. Data C100 is cross-listed with CS and Stat).
- For example, if a Computer Science major takes DATA/COMPSCI/STAT C100 toward the Data Science minor, this is the only COMPSCI, ELENG, or EECS course which may count toward the upper-division requirements for the minor.
Additional policies on overlap
- An upper-division course used to fulfill a lower-division requirement (for example, Stat 134 to fulfill the probability requirement) will not be counted toward the maximum 1 course allowed to overlap with the major, nor will it fulfill one of the four upper division course requirements.
- There is no restriction on overlap with another minor.
- Students may not earn both a BA in Data Science and a minor in Data Science.
Step 1: Declaring the Minor |
Criteria to declare:
Process to declare:The application form to declare the Data Science minor will be open 3 times per year. Once you have met the criteria to declare, submit your application during the next open application period:
The application is currently closed and will next be open beginning on May 15. (Students with a Summer 2025 Expected Graduation Term must plan to apply before the first day of instruction in summer session, May 27, in order to meet the minor declaration deadline.) Minor declarations will be processed as a batch approximately 2-4 weeks after each application period ends. Deadline to declare:You must submit your application to declare the Data Science minor prior to the first day of classes of your Expected Graduation Term. For Summer graduates, the deadline to declare a minor is anytime prior to the first day of classes for Summer Session A. If you have missed the deadline but are enrolled in all required courses to complete the minor, please consult with a Data Science Advisor about your options. |
Step 2: Verifying Completion |
Requirements to complete minor:
Process to verify completion:In your final semester, fill out the Data Science Minor Completion form and obtain a signature from your major advisor to verify any overlapping classes. Students with more than one major should complete one form for each major. Scan and submit your completed and signed form to our Minor Completion online form for final approval from a Data Science advisor. Data Science advisors will review your Completion form after final grades are available. If approved, the Data Science minor will appear on your UC Berkeley transcript and diploma. Deadline to verify completion:You must submit your Data Science Minor Completion form by the last day of classes in your Expected Graduation Term in order to ensure processing before degrees are awarded. Forms will not be accepted earlier than the term in which you expect to graduate, regardless of when you complete the requirements for the minor. |