About our educational partnerships

UC Berkeley's Data Science Undergraduate Studies is dedicated to making high-quality data science education accessible beyond Berkeley. Through partnerships with other institutions, we strive to broaden access and impact.

Our approach to data science education:

  • Empowers student discovery. Through our approachable foundations course and by developing curricula add-ons for other disciplines, we seed opportunities for students to discover this burgeoning field.
  • Bridges disciplines. We view data science as an interdisciplinary field with applications spanning from the sciences to the humanities and we promote connections across these diverse areas. 
  • Integrates human contexts and ethics. Our curricula incorporates human contexts and ethical considerations, equipping students to make responsible and impactful decisions in their careers. 

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Navigating the Data Maze: Building a Foundation for Analytical Thinking (feat. Jevin West)

“You can be hoodwinked with data in the same way that you can be hoodwinked by a car salesman. And so the idea of [Calling B******t] was to step away from all the details of the black box: that's the statistical procedures, the algorithms, etc. (Not to say that we don't pay attention to what we do.) But the idea is to really pay attention to the input data that's coming in—to think about things like selection bias—to think about where that data is coming from.”

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Logo with X and Y axis and text: Data Science Education Podcast

From Data Science to Higher Education: Navigating Career Transitions (feat. Ashley Quiterio, Anna Nguyen, Rodrigo Palmaka)

Join us as we speak with three different guests, all UC Berkeley Data Science alumni, who have gone on to pursue higher education. Ranging from learning sciences to epidemiology, our guests share their experiences, challenges, and insights into how their data science education prepared them for their current paths.

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Logo with X and Y axis and text: Data Science Education Podcast

Empowering Curiosity: Advancing Diversity in Data Science (feat. Suzanne Sindi)

“UC Merced opened in 2005, so we were starting from a very different place than lots of campuses are. So I try very hard to be really intentional about when we think about hiring people; we want to be very aware of ways that unconscious bias plays out in in hiring. When we invite people to give seminars, we try to invite people from variety of backgrounds and campuses. And so I think that being at UC Merced—a new campus with a really strong emphasis on diversity—it's very much something that’s important to the students.”

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