The Data Science Honors Program consists of a year-long research and thesis project, conducted over 2 consecutive semesters. Students will complete 2 courses as part of the honors program:
- DATA H195A (Fall semester, 2 units) assists students with writing their research proposal, beginning to collect data, and with finding a thesis mentor.
- DATA H195B (Spring semester, 2 units) provides a regular meeting time for students to receive feedback on their thesis drafts and prepare for written and oral presentation of their final thesis.
Student Eligibility to Apply
All eligibility requirements must be satisfied before the start of the Fall semester when you are applying:
- Must be declared in Data Science.
- Must have completed Data C100 (CompSci/Stat C100).
- Must have a minimum overall 3.5 GPA and a minimum 3.5 GPA in the major.
Requirements to Enroll in Data H195B
- Must obtain a commitment from a faculty advisor to serve as thesis mentor.
- Must meet all deadlines in Data H195A to be on track for thesis completion in Spring.
Requirements to Graduate with Honors
All requirements must be satisfied by the end of your final term at UC Berkeley:
- Must complete all requirements for the BA in Data Science.
- Must maintain a minimum overall 3.5 GPA and a minimum 3.5 GPA in the major.
- Must successfully pass DATA H195A and H195B.
- Must submit a thesis of passing quality by Friday of RRR week of the final semester before graduation.
- Must participate in the end-of-year Data Science Honors Research Symposium.
Application Timeline
Download the 2024-25 Data Science Honors Program Application.
- Application Deadline: Sunday, July 21, 2024 at 11:59pm.
- Please refer any questions to ds-advising@berkeley.edu.
- Students will be notified with final decisions by mid-August.