The domain emphasis in Organizations and the Economy explores the social construction of markets and the role of organizations and institutions in the contemporary economy. How can we understand the economic behavior of firms and governments? What is the nature of work in modern capitalism?

From the lists shown below, students will select one course from the lower-division, and two courses from the upper-division. The lower division course is a required element of the Domain Emphasis.

Prerequisites shown within square brackets.

Lower Division (select one)

  • DATA 4AC. Data and Justice (4 units)

  • SOCIOL 1. Introduction to Sociology (4 units)

  • SOCIOL 3AC. Principles of Sociology: American Cultures (4 units)

Upper Division (select two)

  • ECON 121. Industrial Organization and Public Policy (4 units)

  • ECON 131. Public Economics (4 units) [ECON 100A+100B]

  • ENVECON 142. Industrial Organization with Applications to Agriculture and Natural Resources (4 units)

  • GEOG 110. Critical Economic Geographies (4 units)

  • GWS 139. Why Work? Gender and Labor Under Capitalism (4 units)

  • SOCIOL 110. Organizations and Social Institutions (4 units) [SOCIOL 1 or 3]

  • SOCIOL 116. Sociology of Work (4 units) [SOCIOL 1 or 3]

  • SOCIOL 119S. Organizational Strategy and Design (4 units) [SOCIOL 1 or 3]

  • SOCIOL 120. Economy and Society (4 units) [SOCIOL 1 or 3]

  • SOCIOL 121. Innovation and Entrepreneurship (4 units) [SOCIOL 1 or 3]

  • UGBA 105. Leading People (3 units)

  • UGBA 107. The Social, Political, & Economic Environment of Business (3 units)

These course lists are subject to change.